mercoledì 11 luglio 2007

Altro che l'isola di White

Non tutti sanno dell'isola di Sark, molti meno di quanto meriterebbe. Ricopio qualche pezzetto dell'articolo di Wikipedia:

Sark (French: Sercq; Sercquiais: Sèr) is a small feudal island in the southwestern English Channel. It is one of the Channel Islands, and is part of the Bailiwick of Guernsey. It has a population of about 600(610 as of 2002). The island is a car-free zone where the only vehicles allowed are horse-drawn vehicles, bicycles, tractors, and battery-powered buggies or motorised bicycles for elderly or disabled people.

The Seigneur of Sark is the head of the feudal government of the Isle of Sark (in the case of a woman, the title is Dame). Since 1974 John Michael Beaumont has been the twenty-second Seigneur of Sark.

The Seigneur retains the sole right on the island to keep pigeons as well as an unspayed (=non castrata) female dog[1]. He also owns all debris washed up between the high and low tide lines, although that is a right rarely enforced.[citation needed]

Sark's constitution has been democratised since the death of Sybil Hathaway, Dame of Sark, in 1974, and more power is now in the hands of the elected members of the legislature, the Chief Pleas.

Non è tutto:

Among the old laws of the Channel Islands is the old Norman custom of the Clameur de Haro, a legal device which still exists in the other Channel Islands. A person can obtain immediate cessation of any action he considers to be an infringement of his rights. At the scene he must, in front of witnesses, recite the Lord's Prayer in French and cry out "Haro, Haro, Haro! À mon aide mon Prince, on me fait tort!" ("To my aid, my Prince! Someone does me wrong!") It should then be registered with the Greffe Office within 24 hours. All actions against the person must then cease until the matter is heard by the Court. It is not frequently used; the last recorded Clameur was raised in June 1970 to prevent the construction of a garden wall.

Ma attenzione, per chi vuole visitarla, possono esserci dei rischi:

In 1991, an unemployed French nuclear physicist named André Gardes attempted a singlehanded invasion of Sark, armed with a semi-automatic weapon. He was arrested by the Island's police officer (who at the time was Little Sark farmer Philip Perree Jnr) while sitting on a bench, changing the gun's magazine (il caricatore).

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